Monday, April 5, 2010


Yesterday my husband was a camera rock star. Between egg dying, Easter baskets, the hunt, and kite flying he took over 250 pics!!!! Needless to say, it's going to take me a while to go through, delete and edit those - so Easter pics are coming:)
In the mean time, I've got others to share:) Today I took Dane and Caed to JCPenny's to have their pics taken. I usually take all 4 - and it's just crazy. I decide to split them up - this month, Caed had his 6 months pics taken and on Monday Dane will be 4 so he had his birthday pictures. Next month I'll take Briley for her 2 1/2 pic and Brock turns 6. It was SOOOOO much easier with just two:)

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