Tuesday, December 30, 2008

My first lunch with out Baby #1:(

Brock goes to preschool 3 mornings a week. We pick him up at noon, and then head home for lunch. Last week he asked us why he doesn't get to stay at school and eat lunch like alot of the other kids get to. He said he wanted to. My first thought - no way it's not going to be long before he's off to school for most of the day, and I'll only have weekends to enjoy all three meals with him. I love making little meals, and eating with my funny little ones. Daddy saw the panic and sadness in my face, so he came up with a compromise, that both Brock and I could live with - Once a week Brock could stay and eat lunch with his classmates that stay. I know it sounds so silly, that I'd be sad, but he's just growing up way too fast - next year is kindergarten!!! Well, yesterday was his first day staying for lunch. I packed him a lunch in his new lunch box that Santa brought, and off he went. And YES I did miss him at noon when I only made 2 little lunches not 3:( - He did have fun eating at school though - Somehow I think he and Daddy might push for more than one day a week.

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